Category: Windows

Create Shortcuts .lnk or .url Files With PowerShell 10

Create Shortcuts .lnk or .url Files With PowerShell

Have you ever needed to create shortcuts while scripting. Shortcuts are simply .lnk files with a few details highlighting a few details of the file that you would like to launch. Many people simply...

Delivering Version Controlled Tools With PowerShell 1

Delivering Version Controlled Tools With PowerShell

The most popular PowerShell user interface IDE is Sapien’s PowerShell Studio which allows for an easy way to create WinForms applications. When packaging PowerShell code into an .exe file you can specify the version...

Get Last Computer Boot Time or Up Time With PowerShell 12

Get Last Computer Boot Time or Up Time With PowerShell

You may require logic to take place around last boot time or computer up time. Or perhaps you may simply want to display it to the user. PowerShell provides an easy way to accomplish...

Automatically Update PowerShell Help Files 3

Automatically Update PowerShell Help Files

Each time I visit a new co-workers desk (to assist them with something PowerShell related) Get-Help will not return much for them and they asky why. The reason is that they have never ran...

Join Computer to Domain with Desired Computer Name and OU 39

Join Computer to Domain with Desired Computer Name and OU

Someone submitted a PowerShell request for scripting the adding of a workstation to the domain. The solution was to be used in an imaging process with the ability to change the workstation name and...


Toolbox v1.0 Released

Toolbox is a client side Windows based utility that assists users with running the login script at any time (most helpful with VPN clients that do not run the login script after connecting), run...